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Tomasz Starczewski

Antidepressants Protracted Withdrawal 

I provide holistic therapy in the recovery process from protracted withdrawal syndrome and PSSD (post ssri's sexuall dysfunctions), as well as in tapering off antidepressants, antipsychotics, and benzodiazepines.

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About me

I am a healing consultant with vast experience in the treatment of protracted and acute withdrawal syndrome and in tapering off antidepressants, antipsychotics, and benzodiazepines.

My primary focus is on the holistic therapy of protracted withdrawal syndrome and PSSD (post-SSRI sexual dysfunctions). I graduated in Cognitive Science at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and Neurobiology at Medical University of Silesia in Katowice. I am also a certified psychotraumatologist.

However, my knowledge is based not on my education but on my personal experience with antidepressants, which I have used and subsequently had to discontinue.

During my own recovery process, I created a unique program with tools to help during this undoubtedly difficult period. 

My therapy is based on detailed diagnostics and individual needs, supporting both the medication tapering process and the protracted withdrawal syndrome after stopping them.


Tomasz Starczewski

Antidepressants Protracted Withdrawal

Why me?

Over 6 years of personal experience with Protracted Withdrawal

That's exactly how long my recovery process took after stopping antidepressants. I know exactly what you're going through because I've been there myself. Now, I enjoy life and take full advantage of it.


In addition to my personal experience with protracted withdrawal, I also have extensive academic knowledge in Neurobiology and Cognitive Science, which has helped me develop tools to aid in the recovery process.

Additional competences

I am a certified psychotraumatologist. I completed the course to obtain the knowledge and skills needed to work with trauma, which undoubtedly includes the withdrawal from psychiatric medications.

Effective tools to facilitate the recovery process

During my years-long recovery process, I have developed tools that help alleviate symptoms and expedite the return to homeostasis after discontinuing medications.

Start healing from Antidepressants Withdrawal

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All of the information on this website is for educational purposes and not intended to be specific/personal medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional when starting or stopping or adjusting medication and for your specific situation. This is just my experience.


Justyna C

Mat. D



ul. Rymarska 43
53-206 Wrocław, Poland



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