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All of the information on this website is for educational purposes and not intended to be specific/personal medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional when starting or stopping or adjusting medication and for your specific situation. This is just my experience.


Protracted and Acute Withdrawal


I offer comprehensive support and a recovery plan for both acute and protracted withdrawal syndromes from antidepressants, antipsychotics, and benzodiazepines. I have developed a unique program based on my own over six-year experience with protracted withdrawal syndrome, which I experienced after taking antidepressants and from which I have recovered through hard work.

My method involves precise diagnostics and a holistic approach, focusing on restoring homeostasis disrupted by drug-induced autonomic dysregulation, as well as psychotraumatological therapy, which is essential, especially in the early stages after discontinuing medication. In addition to psychological support, I provide essential tools to alleviate symptoms that patients can use independently during their recovery process.



Tapering Program


Unlike current medical practice that often involves too rapid discontinuation of medications, I advocate for slow and gradual tapering based on withdrawal symptoms and their stabilization. I offer personalized tapering plans for antidepressants, antipsychotics, and benzodiazepines, primarily using the Ashton method and hyperbolic tapering.

Assistance with medication tapering is always done in collaboration with the attending physician.



PSSD (post ssri-sexual dysfunctions)


Therapy focused mainly on sexual dysfunction after taking antidepressants, which is one of the symptoms of protracted withdrawal syndrome.

I offer tools to alleviate symptoms and facilitate the healing process, as well as psychological support in this difficult and intimate topic, which is one of the most severe and challenging symptom.


Start healing with my help.

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ul. Rymarska 43
53-206 Wrocław, Poland



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